2024 in Photos
MAPC Staff members at the Boston City Hall Plaza event to celebrate the renewed title sponsorship of BlueBikes by Blue Cross Blue Shield. Left to right: Marah Holland, Senior Transportation Planner and Julia Wallerce, Assistant Director of Transportation.
On April 8 MAPC staff members ventured to the Boston Common for the Solar Eclipse.
MAPC Data Services Director Jessie Partridge Guerrero being interviewed by Boston 25 News at their studio in Dedham in January.
MAPC staff members at the Southern New England American Planning Association (SNEAPA) Conference.
Members of MAPC's Municipal Collaboration Team dressed in their "Survivor Show" costumes for Halloween!
The MAPC Transportation Team out touring new bike lanes.
MAPC Senior Transportation Planner David Loutzenheiser on Bike to Work Work Week.
Members of both the MAPC Government Affairs Team and the Municipal Collaboration Team at the 2024 Shannon Grant Summerfest.
MAPC Staff members playing volleyball at the MAPC Summer Outing.
MAPC staff at the CommonWealth's Civic Engagement Celebration & Expo at the NonProfit Center in Boston.
Members of the MAPC Clean Energy Team.
MAPC staff at the Winter Outing to Boston's Chinatown in February 2024.
Buddy Newman (left), MAPC Information Technology Manager and Marjorie Weinberger (right), MAPC General Counsel, receiving Staff Members of the Year Award from MAPC Executive Director Marc Draisen.
MAPC Staff members at the Smart Growth America Equity Conference in Washington, D.C. Left to right: Carlos J. Montañez, Principal Planner; Marah Holland, Senior Transportation Planner; Raul Gonzalez, Principal Economic Development Planner; Executive Director Marc Draisen; Francelis Morillo Suarez, Clean Energy & Climate Planner II.
MAPC Staff Members at the 2024 MAPC Summer Outing.
MAPC Senior Transportation Planner Travis Pollack and MAPC Senior Regional Humanities Specialist Lindsay Randall, at the Boston Museum of Science.
MAPC's Emergency Preparedness Team, from left to right: Elizabeth Robert, Emergency Preparedness Manager; Jenifer Wallitsch, Emergency Preparedness Specialist; Dan Witts, Emergency Preparedness Specialist II; and Lauren Sacks, Program Specialist.
MAPC General Counsel Marjorie Weinberger and MAPC Operations Manager Krishna Bhola showing off their dancing skills at the MAPC Summer Outing.
MAPC Director of Arts and Culture Annis Sengupta at the Advocacy for the Arts event at the State House in February.
MAPC Human Resources (HR) Team Members from left to right: Julie Banda, HR Coordinator; Marybeth Boucher, HR Generalist; and Holly Louis, HR Manager on Halloween, dressed as Heinz condiments.
Members of the MAPC Digital Services Team from left to right: Stephen Larrick, Digital Services Manager; Will Pfeffer, Civic Technologist; and Anagha Devanarayanan, Digital Equity Planner.
MAPC Environmental Planning Director Martin Pillsbury being honored for his 40 years of service at MAPC.
Alison Felix, MAPC Transportation Principal Planner and Emerging Technologies Specialist receiving Staff Member of the Year Award from MAPC Executive Director Marc Draisen.
Kat Kobylt (left), MAPC Senior Environmental Planner and Rachel Bowers (right), MAPC Analyst II at the National Adaptation Forum.
Unless otherwise noted, all photos and images throughout this Annual Report are to the credit of MAPC and MAPC staff members. This does not include non-MAPC logos included in this Report, which are to the credit of that entity. For questions, please contact communications@mapc.org.