Government Affairs

MAPC's Government Affairs Team actively promotes the Agency's legislative agenda by working with members of the Legislature on a number of key initiatives. MAPC's priorities focus on a variety of policy areas that aim to advance our regional plan, MetroCommon 2050. 

2024 Legislative Priorities

Andrea Harris Long, Director of Land Use and Matt Walsh,  Government Affairs Policy Analyst II stand together holding a dark blue sign that says, "Affordable Homes Act. Smart Housing. Livable Communities."

Andrea Harris Long, Director of Land Use, MAPC and Matt Walsh, Government Affairs Policy Analyst II, MAPC at the Affordable Homes Act signing.

Georgia Barlow, MAPC Government Affairs Specialist II, sits at a long wooden table testifying before legislators who are sitting behind a long wooden table.

Georgia Barlow, MAPC Government Affairs Specialist II, testifying before members of the State Legislature.

Affordable Homes Act
MAPC applauded the legislature's passage of the historic Affordable Homes Act, a $5.16 billion investment in affordable housing. The law also includes the allowance of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) by right, the creation of an Office of Fair Housing, and more.

Low-Income Public Transportation Fares
For the first time, the State Budget included low-income MBTA fares for those aged 18-64 years-old, who are already enrolled in state assistance programs. 

Energy Siting, Permitting and Climate Bill
Signed into law by Governor Healey in November 2024, the Climate Bill will drastically reduce the wait time for new clean energy infrastructure projects and ease siting and permitting decisions for cities and towns. These changes were among the many items recommended by the Commission on Energy Infrastructure Siting and Permitting. Lizzi Weyant, MAPC's Deputy Executive Director was honored to serve on the Commission. 

Economic Development Bond Bill
Also signed into law in November 2024, the economic development bill included many MAPC priorities - robust funding for the MassWorks Infrastructure Program, establishment of the Downtown Vitality Fund to help strengthen cultural identity and prevent cultural displacement, a pathway for physicians previously authorized to practice medicine outside the U.S. to practice in Massachusetts, and others. 

An MAPC priority since the Pandemic, this was included as part of the Economic Bond Bill, and creates local public health system standards, increases capacity, and incentives shared services.

State Budget Key MAPC Priority Line Items
District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA): $3 million
Grant Assistance Program: $2 million
Shannon Community Safety Initiative: $12.8 million

2024 Events and Activities Highlights

A male police officer in uniform shakes the hand of someone who is standing behind a wooden podium. Behind them stand the American flag and the Massachusetts flag.

Participants during the Shannon Community Safety Day on the Hill.

Shannon Community Service Day on the Hill

In April 2024, MAPC's Government Affairs Team in partnership with the Municipal Collaboration Team, hosted Shannon Community Safety Day on the Hill at the Massachusetts State House. 

The focus of this advocacy day was to urge support from state legislators for the Shannon Community Safety Initiative. 

The event featured elected officials, research partners, and Shannon Community Safety participants.

Standing from Left to Right: MAPC Council President Erin Wortman, MAPC Deputy Executive Director Lizzi Weyant, Representative Christine Barber, MAPC Executive Director Marc Draisen, MAPC Government Affairs Director Leah Robins

Legislator of the Year Award
Representative Christine Barber

Left to Right: MAPC Council President Erin Wortman, MAPC Deputy Executive Director Lizzi Weyant, Representative Christine Barber, MAPC Executive Director Marc Draisen, MAPC Government Affairs Director Leah Robins 

Standing from Left to Right: MAPC Government Affairs Specialist II Georgia Barlow, MAPC Senior Government Affairs Specialist Norman Abbott, MAPC Government Affairs Policy Analyst II Matt Walsh, Senator Edwards' Chief of Staff Eduardo Moreno Mendez, Senator Edwards' Legislative Director Christianna Golden, MAPC Government Affairs Director Leah Robins, and MAPC Deputy Executive Director Lizzi Weyant

Legislative Staffers of the Year Award
Eduardo Moreno Mendez
Chief of Staff, Senator Lydia Edwards

Christianna Golden
Legislative Director, Senator Lydia Edwards

Left to Right: MAPC Government Affairs Specialist II Georgia Barlow, MAPC Senior Government Affairs Specialist Norman Abbott, MAPC Government Affairs Policy Analyst II Matt Walsh, Senator Edwards' Chief of Staff Eduardo Moreno Mendez, Senator Edwards' Legislative Director Christianna Golden, MAPC Government Affairs Director Leah Robins, and MAPC Deputy Executive Director Lizzi Weyant 

MAPC Deputy Executive Director Lizzi Weyant stands with Directors from different Regional Planning Agencies (RPAs) during DLTA Day at the State House. All are smiling at the camera.

MAPC Deputy Executive Director Lizzi Weyant stands with Directors from different Regional Planning Agencies (RPAs) during DLTA Day at the State House.

DLTA Advocacy Day at the State House

In March 2024, MAPC in partnership with numerous Regional Planning Agencies (RPAs), hosted DLTA (District Local Technical Assistance) Day at the State House. This focus of this annual advocacy event, is to provide RPA leaders an opportunity to connect with legislators in-person about the importance of continued State Budget funding for the DLTA program.

A white map outlining the 17 Metro Mayors Coalition cities and towns. Arlington, Medford, Melrose, Malden, Revere, Lynn, Everett, Somerville, Chelsea, Winthrop, Cambridge, Watertown, Newton, Brookline, Boston, Quincy, and Braintree.

Map of the 17 MMC cities and towns.

Lynn Joins MMC

Lynn joined the Metro Mayors Coalition (MMC) in 2024. In total, MMC is now made up of 17 Greater Boston municipalities, representing more than 1.6 million residents.

Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll stands behind a podium on a stage facing the audience. To her left is a long table with chairs. The table is covered in a purple table cloth. Behind her is a large white screen with a presentation on it.

MARPA 2024 Conference. Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll is presenting to the attendees.

MARPA and DLS 2024 Conference

On October 8, 2024, the annual Massachusetts Association of Regional Planning Agencies (MARPA) and District Local Services (DLS) hosted the MARPA Conference in partnership with MAPC. Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll opened the conference, followed by a panel of Executive Department Secretaries speaking. 

A medium sized room with green walls with numerous people sitting in chairs at tables interacting with each other.

2024 MetroWest Regional Collaborative (MWRC) Legislative Breakfast.

Seven Legislative Breakfasts Hosted

2024 News of Note
Articles about MAPC's work, expertise, or articles MAPC staff were interviewed for or quoted in.