Community Planning

MAPC's charge is to use planning to help cities and towns prepare various plans and programs to solve a range of land use (includes economic development and housing) and zoning issues. MAPC partners with municipalities in our region to improve Metro Boston's livability, its prosperity, safety, health, equity, and distinctive character.

2024 Highlighted Projects

A light green background with a map in darker green of the Greater Boston area. The MAPC logo in green is in the lower right corner. Over the background is dark green text that says, "Tips for Implementing Accessory Dwelling Units. Legislation in Your Community. MAPC. December 9th, 2024. In the upper left is a yellow circle icon with the words, "TAP Funded" in blue.

Cover image for the December 9, 2024 webinar PowerPoint presentation.

The Affordable Homes Act and ADUs

The passage of the Affordable Homes Act included many of MAPC's legislative priorities, including the allowance of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) by right. With the new law taking effect in February 2025, in late 2024, MAPC began actively providing opportunities for municipalities to become informed. This included hosting a webinar in December and creating a resource around Accessory Dwelling Units, which you can find here: ADUs webpage

Aerial view of the Acton Town Hall building during Fall. There is a flag pole with an U.S. flag hanging on the pole in front of the building, other buildings around, and Fall colored trees.

Acton Town Hall | AdobeStock_585978301

MAPC Completes Six Zoning Plans

Throughout 2024, the MAPC Economic Development Team worked with communities and municipal leaders to produce Zoning Plans for Acton, Essex, Maynard, Millis, and the Norfolk Southwood Hospital. The team also worked with Cohasset to make modifications to their floodplain zoning. 

Background is white with pink and blue abstract shapes. On top of the background is text that says, "MBTA Communities (Section 3A). District Suitability Analysis Tool. Webinar, February 27, 2024. In the lower center is the MAPC logo in white. In the upper left is a yellow circle icon with the words, "TAP Funded" in blue.

Cover for the presentation slides for the February 2024 District Suitability Analysis Tool informational webinar.

MBTA Communities 3A Support 

MAPC's Data Services Analytical Team created a District Suitability Analysis Tool to help communities identify 3A zoning district locations and MAPC created a robust toolkit to help communities better understand the law and its requirements. 

MAPC also completed over a dozen economic feasibility assessments to help communities apply inclusionary zoning or affordability requirements in multifamily zones. 

Photo of a row of gray and white shingled colored two and three story condos in South Boston, Massachusetts. In the upper left is a yellow, circle icon with the words, "TAP Funded" in blue.

Condos in South Boston, Massachusetts. Photo Credit: AdobeStock_417255253

Metro Mayors Coalition Regional Housing Task Force

Throughout 2024, the Task Force met five times and focused on topics including legislative policy, hosted guest speakers from allied housing organizations, brainstormed local program development for new tools (such as the Good Landlord Tax Incentive), and more. The updated webpage includes more information on upcoming housing initiatives.

A room full of people sitting in chairs at tables at the Initiative kick-off meeting. They are looking towards the front of the room where two individuals are standing, one is speaking.

The Kick-off Meeting for the Initiative, held at the Braintree Town Hall. 

Braintree Wood Road Revitalization and Mixed-Use Development Initiative

The final phase of this three-phased project was completed at the end of 2024. The focus of the Braintree Initiative was to transform the Wood Road area into a vibrant economic and cultural hub. 

Photo at the intersection of downtown Stoneham. Across the intersection are numerous small, different sized buildings. A blue sky is overhead, and in the upper left is a yellow, circle icon that says, "TAP Funded".

At the intersection of the Main Street area in Stoneham.

Stoneham Historic Preservation Plan

During 2024, MAPC worked in partnership with the Stoneham Historical Commission who led the development of a town-wide historic preservation plan in conjunction with local stakeholders. The final plan is a comprehensive document focused on preserving Stoneham's cultural and historical heritage. 

A large room full of many people sitting in chairs, some at tables. All are facing a tv screen at the front of the room, where there are people virtually on the screen.

Age-Friendly Businesses Project Community Meeting in Concord.

Town of Concord Age-Friendly Businesses Project

In partnership with the Town of Concord, MAPC conducted a survey of older residents in the Summer 2024 focused on how to create more inclusivity in the Concord business areas. Based on the over 300 survey responses received, a need for age-friendly benches was identified. Following the survey, Concord received a $27,000 grant from the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism to install the benches around the Town Center. 

Seven people sit in chairs around a long wooden table. They have drinks, notebooks, and papers on the table in front of them. One person is speaking and the others are looking at them listening. On a wall behind them are two framed art pieces. On another wall behind them is a large screen with information on it.
A room full of people sitting in chairs at a long wooden table. There are notebooks, drinks, papers, and other items on the table in front of them. On one wall behind them are windows. On another wall behind them are three pieces of artwork.

November CEDS Advisory Committee meeting (both above photos).

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

MAPC’s Economic Development Team began preparing the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). MAPC serves as the Economic Development DIstrict and is required to create the CEDS every five years to set out regional priorities advancing job retention, job creation, and economic resilience and development for the 2025 – 2030 period. 

The CEDS helps to focus attention on target priority projects and will identify economically distressed geographic areas. This work commenced in November 2024, and will conclude in May 2025. 

2024 Awards and Accomplishments

Awarded $3 Million PRO Housing Grant
MAPC (as lead), Boston, Cambridge, Everett, and Newton, received a $3 million Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It's a new grant program focused on supporting communities in actively removing barriers to affordable housing.
The funding will be used to explore innovative building methods to build new homes, for the creation of a regional strategy, and more.
July 2024

Five Community One-Stop Grants Secured

Throughout 2024

AARP Network of Age-friendly States and Communities
Building on MAPC's age-friendly projects work over the past few years, MAPC joined the AARP Network of Age-friendly States and Communities this year. By joining the Network, MAPC committed to including an age-friendly lens in all projects and work.
Summer 2024

Good Jobs Metro Boston Coalition Convenings
In 2024, MAPC’s Economic Development Team hosted three virtual quarterly convenings. In November 2024, GJMBC held its seventh quarterly convening! Each of these convenings was attended by 30 - 35 people. 

MAPC has been supporting the City of Boston's Office of Workforce Development - one of 32 organizations selected as a Good Jobs Challenge (GJC) grantee - for this program in various ways since day one.

Standing together are MAPC Deputy Executive Director Lizzi Weyant, and speakers included HUD General Counsel Damon Smith, Congressman Jake Auchincloss, Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang, Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria, John Sisson, Director of Community Development in Newton, and MAPC Executive Director Marc Draisen. They are holding a large white check in front of them.

To celebrate and announce the award, HUD hosted a public announcement and check presentation in Cambridge City Hall on July 2, 2024. The event was emceed by MAPC Deputy Executive Director Lizzi Weyant, and speakers included HUD General Counsel Damon Smith, Congressman Jake Auchincloss, Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang, Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria, John Sisson, Director of Community Development in Newton, and MAPC Executive Director Marc Draisen. 

MAPC joining the AARP Network of Age-friendly States and Communities. Left to right: Sanda Harris, AARP MA Volunteer State President; Nancy Leamond, AARP Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer; Eric Hove, MAPC Director of Strategic Initiatives; Lizzi Weyant, MAPC Deputy Executive Director; and Jeffrey D. Dunn, AARP Board of Directors

2024 News of Note
Articles about MAPC's work, expertise, or articles MAPC staff were interviewed for or quoted in.