Municipal Collaboration

From emergency preparedness to procurement of goods and services for municipalities, MAPC's Municipal Collaboration team works with Greater Boston leaders to provide support and training that helps keep their communities functioning and safe. 

2024 Highlighted Projects

Seven youth wearing tshirts and shorts are playing basketball on a blue basketball court. Numerous people sit in chairs in the background. In the far background is a grassy field and trees.

Local youth playing basketball at Shannon SummerFest 2024.

2024 Shannon SummerFest 

In August 2024, Shannon SummerFest 2024 was hosted in Winthrop, and included youth from Braintree, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Quincy, Revere, Somerville, and Winthrop. Also participating were community based organization (CBO) workers, law enforcement officials, and State Representative Jeff Turco. Shannon SummerFest is an annual event to support the reduction of youth violence and gang involvement across Metro Mayors Coalition communities. 

A room full of many people sitting in chairs at tables interacting.

Table Top Exercise. 

Cape Ann Table Top Exercise

In June 2024, MAPC's Emergency Preparedness team facilitated a regional tabletop exercise at the American Legion in Manchester-by-the-Sea, that brought together five communities – Manchester-by-the-Sea, Essex, Gloucester, Rockport, and Ipswich – to work collaboratively to identify potential areas for regional shelter plan development and growth. 

NERAC logo. In a red open circle, is a gray map of Massachusetts with the NERAC region colored in red. Above the map in large, capitalized, red letters it says, "NERAC". Around the top of the outside of the circle in gray text it says, "Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council". Under the circle is text in black that says, "".

NERAC Topsfield Fair MCI Exercise 

Also in June 2024, the Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council (NERAC) funded the Topsfield Fair Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Functional Exercise for first responders and hospital personnel (over 120 attended). This exercise brought together numerous local, regional, and state agencies to prepare for a resonse to a large incident occuring at the Fair. MAPC serves as the fiduciary and program manager for NERAC. 

2024 Awards and Accomplishments

Multi-Hazard Mitigation Conference
MAPC, as the sponsoring organization of the Massachusetts Region 3 Health and Medical Coordinating Coalition (HMCC), hosted a successful Multi-Hazard Mitigation Conference at Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill. The event, aimed at strengthening emergency preparedness and response efforts across the region, brought together key stakeholders from public health, emergency medical services, long-term care facilities, hospitals, and other healthcare providers in the region.
November 2024

A large room full of people sitting at tables, facing the front of the room where a someone stands behind a podium speaking. There is a large screen with a presentation on it behind the speaker.

The Multi-Hazard Mitigation Conference at Northern Essex Community College.