Data Services

MAPC's Data Services Department advocates for the collection and dissemination of accurate data about the region and the Commonwealth. They provide mapping and data analysis, digital services, and research analysis support to internal and external entities throughout the Greater Boston region. 

2024 Highlighted Projects

Aerial view of downtown Somerville, Massachusetts. Streets with vehicles driving on them, and numerous different sized buildings.

Downtown Somerville, MA. Photo Credit: AdobeStock_552679073

Somerville Digital Equity Plan 

MAPC worked with the City of Somerville's Digital Bridge Initiative to develop the city's first Digital Equity Plan. Developed as part of the Massachusetts Broadband Institute’s (MBI) Municipal Digital Equity Planning program, the plan addresses the disproportionate impacts that gaps in internet access, device availability, and digital literacy have on the community's most vulnerable populations. 

A black vector map over a white background of the Greater Boston region.

Vector Map of the Greater Boston region. Photo Credit: AdobeStock_601001109

Statewide Trails Database: Partnership with MassGIS  

In May 2024, the Data Services Team achieved a major milestone in their ongoing multi-year effort to work with other Regional Planning Agencies (RPAs) to produce a statewide database for standardized trails data. 

For the first time ever, a partnership with MassGIS (Bureau of Geographic Information) was formalized and includes MassGIS hosting the database and providing the opportunity for RPAs to both directly contribute data and manage that data for their regions.  

A screenshot of part of the Solar Suitability Mapping Tool. It's a map of Massachusetts with multi-colored areas all over the map signifying different solar suitability.

Snapshot of part of the Solar Suitability Mapping Tool. Access the Tool.

Solar Suitability Mapping  

MAPC's Data Services Team completed an analysis to identify the most suitable parcels for large ground-mounted solar within every municipality in Massachusetts. 

The analysis can be used to inform local zoning and land use policies to ensure that statewide solar deployment targets are met, and that solar is deployed equitably across municipalities. 

The research shows how municipalities can help achieve the statewide targets for solar power production laid out in the Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan and the 2050 Decarbonization Roadmap. 

Data underlying the analysis came from the Department of Energy Resources’ Technical Potential of Solar Study. 

The front and side of an MBTA Green Line train. The bottom half of the train is green and the top have is white with windows. A screen at the top of the front of the train says, "Medford-Tufts".

An MBTA Green Line train. 

Somerville Low-Income Fare Pilot Evaluation   

In partnership with MAPC's Transportation Team, the Data Services Team conducted an evaluation of Somerville's Transit Pass Pilot Program, which provided free MBTA transit passes to low-income residents and parents and guardians of Somerville public school students between 2022 and 2024. 

MAPC's evaluation of the program found that the free transit passes increased participants' use of public transit, and decreased their vehicle travel. 

Participants saved more than $500,000 on transit trips. Additionally, participants widely agreed that the passes had significant benefits on their finances and mental health, and that the passes resulted in them taking more transit trips and accessing more destinations than they had in the past.

Map of Massachusetts broken up in colors representing the percent of Enrollment Change by school district from 2010-2020.

Map of enrollment change by school district in Massachusetts between 2010-2020, color coded by the percentage of that enrollment change. View the Full Size Map.

Impact of Housing Production on School Enrollment Research  

In spring 2024, MAPC's Data Services' Research Team released an update to their 2017 report, The Waning Influence of Housing Production on Public School Enrollment, analyzing the relationship between housing unit development and school enrollment. 

Consistent with the original report, the update finds that there is no association between new housing unit development and increased school enrollment. Learn more and access the data and analysis on the An Update on Housing Production's Affect on Public School Enrollment webpage.

The updated analysis utilizes 2010 and 2020 decennial census date to quantify housing unit growth between 2010 and 2020 by municipality, and measures that growth against school enrollment data between the 2010/2011 and 2019/2020 school years.

2024 Awards and Accomplishments

MAPC Named One of Nation’s Digital Inclusion Trailblazers
In early 2024, MAPC was named as an 2023 Digital Inclusion Trailblazer by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) at their conference. 

One of just 47 total awardees across the nation, MAPC received the award for its apartment wi-fi program and municipal digital equity plans work.
February 2024

Eight people standing together in a horizontal line, some of MAPC staff members, some are not. One MAPC staff member in the middle is holding the award they received. All are smiling at the camera.

MAPC holding the 2023 Digital Inclusion Trailblazer award. Pictured from left to right: Abby Cohen, American Connection Corps member serving at MAPC; Miles Miller, NDIA Program Associate; Anagha Devanarayanan, MAPC Digital Equity Planner; Aaron Schill, NDIA Director of Research & Programs; Will Pfeffer, MAPC Civic Technologist;  Paolo Balboa, NDIA Senior Programs Manager; Stephen Larrick, MAPC Digital Services Manager; and Scott Woods, President of Public-Private Partnerships.

Research Team for the Massachusetts Statewide Housing Plan
MAPC’s Housing and Data Services Teams, along with UMass Donahue Institute and Amy Dain, were awarded $300,000 by the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) to be the research team for the first Massachusetts Statewide Housing Plan

For the plan, MAPC developed housing unit demand scenarios, produced custom analysis of current housing conditions, and wrote several briefs on various housing topics relevant to the plan.

Urban Institute National Neighborhood Indicators Partnerships Emerging Opportunities Fund Award
MAPC received $50,000 from the Emerging Opportunities Fund of the Urban Institute to study Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) ownership networks. The research will build on the findings from MAPC's Homes for Profit Research, and focus on more accurate classifications of residential real estate investor portfolios. 

The research that will be conducted is a partnership between MAPC's Data Services Team; MAPC’s Housing Team; Dr. Patrice Williams, Assistant Research Professor of Participatory Action Research and Provost Impact Fellow at Northeastern University; and the Healthy Neighborhoods Research Consortium. 

The funds for the Emerging Opportunities Fund were provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Summer 2024

2024 News of Note
Articles about MAPC's work, expertise, or articles MAPC staff were interviewed for or quoted in.